Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Helen Gabriel, "Québec Native Women's Association responds to Harper's apology for residential schools," Kahnawake, June 11, 2008.

...from Anna Carastathis at The Dominion

...while we commend the Canadian Government on the creation of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission we cannot ignore the Auditor General's recent report substantiating that budgets for child welfare agencies in Canada continue to focus the majority of their efforts on the placement of Aboriginal children outside their communities and Nations. This type of practice is reminiscent of the Residential School policy.

The Québec Native Women's Association has called upon the Canadian government to acknowledge that residential schools were an act of genocide.

Statement by Quebec Native Women's Association/Femmes Autochtones du Québec

Quebec Native Women recognizes the Prime Minister's official apology concerning the genocidal experience of Aboriginal people in the history of the Residential School system. While the apology to Aboriginal peoples is long overdue it is contradicted by the oppressive policies of the Indian Act.

The heinous crimes committed against Aboriginal children who were victims and survivors of the Residential School experience must be dealt with beyond mere apologies and monetary compensation.

Read the rest here =>

Ellen Gabriel is President of the Québec Native Women's AssociationRecommend this Post

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