Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hicham Yezza deportation delayed

Sunny at Pickled Politics (UK) provides these links to updates about the Nottingham student busted for knowing too much about the enemy. There was a brief reference to a new case of Canadian rendition mentioned last night on the Vancouver 11 o'clock news (CBC), but it seems to have never appeared on the CBC website.

Channel 4 News reports that Hicham Yezza, who was arrested on terrorism charges and then due to be deported because the bloody police wanted to avenge their own stupidity, has won a legal delay. There’s also a recent interview in the Guardian: ‘This is not the way I should have been treated in a country I love’. Amen to that, brother.
The bloggers trying to prevent his deportation are also trying to stop another Nottingham resident/asylum seeker being deported. More on that also on Indymedia.

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