Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Israeli-Palestinian Workshop on Education for Peace

Israeli-Palestinian Workshop on Education for Peace

August 8-9, 2008

Tantur, Jerusalem

Following the workshops of January and April 2008 we are holding the Third Peace Education Workshop that will once again bring together peace educators, curricula writers, encounter facilitators, peace studies practitioners, conflict resolution practitioners, mediators, and activists from academia, research sector, governmental and community organizations and others from Israel, Palestine and beyond.

The Workshop will be a tremendous opportunity for dialogue, debate and visioning with collaboration and cooperation between the body of theory and practice. The Workshop will be meeting grounds for dialogue and mutual learning from the field of peace education from the viewpoint of academia and from the field of practioners. The Workshop will raise critical issues and acquire new insights into the profound peace education developments in Israel, Palestine and around the world. Furthermore, the Workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to build connections across multi-disciplinary sectors.

This workshop will be organized by thematic tracks. Participants will be able to attend workshops and sessions in any of the tracks (except for 1) but for those who would like to focus more on a specific area will be able to do so. The following are the four tracks:

· Academic Track

· Experiential Track

· International Humanitarian Law Education Track

· Veteran IPCRI Teachers (only for former participants in IPCRI’s peace education program)

The organization of the workshop on these tracks is based on the recommendations of the last two workshops. We hope that it will enable people to go deeper into the subject areas of their interest.

Registration is open through July 31, 2008.

Participation – Call for Abstracts

IPCRI is calling on potential participants to submit an abstract for making a presentation at the workshop. This is not a formal academic conference therefore; abstracts will be evaluated on a wider basis than the normal academic criteria. We are looking for creative, exciting and innovative approaches to peace education.

The deadline for abstract submission is July 24, 2008.

To register, contact IPCRI for

* A registration form
* An abstract form
* A form for Palestinians who need a permit to enter Israel

Explanation about costs and finances:

Costs, budgets and finances

We have no funding for this workshop. In the last workshop, almost everyone asked for a full or partial scholarship. We will try to raise funds to support scholarships. We cannot promise anything at this point. But our policy is that everyone who has something to contribute and to benefit from participating will participate. Lack of funds will not stand in the way.

We are requesting that everyone pay as much as you can afford taking into account the real costs of this workshop:

The price for the workshop for 2 days, full board, a bed, and the program is 500 NIS (about $145).

The price for the workshop for 2 days, meals and program without a bed is 380 NIS (about $110)

These costs do not include any salary money for IPCRI staff who will be working hundreds of hours preparing and planning the workshop.

We cannot afford to give a full scholarship to everyone who asks for it. Therefore, we are asking everyone to pay something – as much as you can afford and believe is appropriate.

We would request that you pay at the time of registration by check or online. That will help us to plan our finances.

Sleeping arrangements

We only have 90 beds in Tantur this time. We need extra places for people to stay over in Jerusalem. Please indicate on the registration form if you need a bed or if you have other arrangements.

Please also indicate if you have extra places at your home in Jerusalem for people to stay over.


Payment should be made at the time of registration –

Please send a check to IPCRI with the amount that you are able to pay with the attached form:

PO Box 9321
Jerusalem 91092

Or send the form by email and pay online:

Indicate that the payment is for the Peace Education workshop

Gershon Baskin and Hanna Siniora - Co-CEOs, IPCRI

Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information

P.O. Box 9321, Jerusalem 91092

Tel: +972-2-676-9460 Fax: +972-2-676-8011

Cellphone: +972-(0)52-238-1715

Contribute to Peace – Contribute to IPCRI

Make your contribution online
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All contributions accepted – large and small
$10 a month is easy and everyone can afford it
(more if you can as well!)
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