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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rima E Laibow, "Good news from Codex Alimentarius about labelling GMOs," July 8, 2008.

Link recommended by Guy Lapointe at the Crow Healing Network.

On September 11, 2001, the Canadian Parliament defeated a bill that would have required the labelling of GMO content in foods. In the US, "organic" foods may be "contaminated" with as much as 10% GMO. Elsewhere, figures are more like 0,9% to 1%. Codex Alimentarius is a joint UN Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization body that was formed in 1963 to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice.

Dr Rima E Laibow is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation and has been attending the meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Geneva this June and July. She reports that "WHO and FAO have said that Codex II needs to have a standard for the analysis of genetically modified foods in with other foods," meaning that those foods must be labelled.

A video of her report and links to a number of video and text dispatches fromthe meetings are included on this page.

Laura H. Hahn's article for Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "The furor over genetically modified foods" (May 14, 2008) identifies important dates, organizations, and international agreements concerning GMO foods, including numerous links to original sources. Hahn concludes that "In theory, genetically modified foods would help mitigate the effects of global warming, but in reality, the lack of global trust in the companies that produce them will hinder efforts to use them."
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