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Sunday, August 24, 2008

"3-judge panel declares "do-over" on Arar case," Aqoul, August 14, 2008.

According to the Center on Constitutional Rights, the US Second Circuit of Appeals has decided to re-open the case of Maher Arar, the Syrian-born Canadian citizen who was deported to Syria by the US while transiting through JFK airport in New York. The case will be re-heard on December 9.

The court will hold a hearing "en banc" (meaning in private with a full panel of judges [thanks matthew]) on December 9. Unusually, the decision was made "sua sponte" or on the judges' own initiative, rather than in response to any motions that had been filed. Eva Luna tells me that she can't think of another case of this magnitude where the court has decided to go back and re-examine its previous decision on its own.

Read the rest here =>
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