Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Anand Gopal, "Afghanistan's emerging antiwar movement," Christian Science Monitor, October 20, 2008.

[Here is an opportunity to do the right thing. Let's not blow it. -jlt]

  "We don't want interference from foreign countries or negotiations behind closed doors."
Fatana Gilani
Afghanistan Women's Council

Kabul, Afghanistan - In a musty room near the edge of town, a group of bearded men sit on the floor and heatedly discuss strategy. The men are in the planning stages of an event that they hope will impact Afghan politics – a peace jirga, or assembly, that will agitate for the end of the war between the Taliban and Afghan government by asking the two sides to come to a settlement.

"People are growing tired of the fighting," says Bakhtar Aminzai of the National Peace Jirga of Afghanistan, an association of students, professors, lawyers, clerics, and others. "We need to pressure the Afghan government and the international community to find a solution without using guns."

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