Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

"Canadian commission to hold hearings about Afghan detainees,", September 30, 2008.

[The potential for systemic conflict of interest is not less when Military Police investigate themselves than it is when civilian police investigate themselves. -jlt]

  "I find that the threat to public confidence in the military police stemming from the allegations is real. There is a significant level of public concern with respect to these allegations."
Peter Tinsley, Chairman
Military Police Complaints Commission

The Military Police Complaints Commission has decided to push ahead with public hearings into Canada's handling of detainees in Afghanistan, despite the Harper government's objections that the commission is overstepping its authority.

But the hearings are scheduled for well after the Oct. 14 election, meaning the Conservatives will not be challenged during the campaign over how prisoners were handled under their watch.

In an 80-page decision released Tuesday, chairman Peter Tinsley argues that public hearings fall within the commission's jurisdiction, and would be in the public interest.

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