Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Carbon tax vs. cap-and-trade: A roundtable," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 7, 2008.

  The disagreement seems to be largely about which one will be susceptible to bad design decisions, or more crudely, which one will Congress screw up more.
David Weisbach

This Bulletin Roundtable bring together an interesting group of experts to discuss the main climate change options for policy makers "who want the market to get to work" on what they call "global warming." The experts are all Americans, but the discussion is informative and thought-provoking--and two of the four address international issues. Bulletin Roundtables also draw stimulating comments from a variety of sources.

  Developing countries would almost surely be net sellers in a global carbon market--both because they have ample low-cost abatement opportunities and because they're likely to receive more generous emissions targets than industrialized nations under an international agreement.
Wagner and Keohane

  A tax that sends a loud price signal could have real effects, just as the market-driven price increases in gasoline have triggered real changes.
Janet E Milne

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