Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Friday, December 19, 2008

"Garrett scraps solar-system means test," WA Today, December 18, 2008.

All households will be able to get half-price solar panels after the Federal Government abandoned its unpopular decision to means-test its solar rebate.

  Electricity companies will fund the rebate in return for higher credits from the Government under its Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme.

The Government will scrap the means test, meaning all Australian homes will qualify for a rebate worth up to $7500.

The new rules mean any household can install a good-sized solar system and be as little as $7500 out of pocket.

When this year's budget restricted the solar rebate to households earning less than $100,000, critics said it was a step backwards as climate change worsened.

In a surprise backflip today, Environment Minister Peter Garrett announced the test would go.

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