Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Kambale Musavuli, "The conflict in the Congo is a resource war waged by U.S. and British allies," Global Research, February 22, 2009.

[The current issue of the bi-monthly Foreign Policy magazine features an article by Niall Ferguson urging us to "forget about Iran, Iraq, and North Korea" and to worry instead about Somalia, Russia, and Mexico. These are supposed to be where "economic calamity meets political and social turmoil," but what about Eastern Congo or Sudan or Zimbabwe? What about Myanmar? What about the covert nuclear weapons states? -jlt]

Since Rwanda and Uganda invaded the Congo in 1996, they have pursued a plan to appropriate the wealth of Eastern Congo either directly or through proxy forces. The December 2008 United Nations report is the latest in a series of U.N. reports dating from 2001 that clearly documents the systematic looting and appropriation of Congolese resources by Rwanda and Uganda, two of Washington and London's staunchest allies in Africa.

However, in the wake of the December 2008 report, which clearly documents Rwanda's support of destabilizing proxy forces inside the Congo, a series of stunning proposals and actions have been presented which all appear to be an attempt to cover up or bury the damning U.N. report on the latest expression of Rwanda's aggression against the Congolese people.

  It is only recently that two European nations, Sweden and the Netherlands, have decided to withhold aid from Rwanda as a result of its aggression against the Congolese people.

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