Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nancy A. Youssef and Jonathan S. Landay, "Events in Pakistan, Afghanistan overtake Obama's strategy," McClatchy, April 24, 2009.

[American big shots don't like Pakistan's elected government any better than they liked Musharraf. Yet Pakistan's renewed obsession with India may have something to do with the nuclear deal the Bush Administration negotiated with India. Note the absence of quotations in this article from any sources outside of Washington. Meanwhile, the European Parliament has passed a resolution against Afganistan's infamous "marital rape" law. -jlt]

WASHINGTON — Events in Pakistan and Afghanistan are already overtaking the Obama administration's month-old strategy for the two countries, and it needs to be modified even before it's been implemented, U.S. officials and experts said this week.

As Islamic militants continue their advance in Pakistan and press their attacks on overstretched U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, many U.S. officials fear that the administration is running out of time to defeat what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this week called a "mortal threat" to the world. Failure in either place, these officials argue, would guarantee failure in the other.


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Note that three suicide bombers have hit the provincial governor’s compound in Kandahar =>Recommend this Post

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