Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"MPs miss out on pay rise again," ABC, May 19, 2009.

[How refreshing! These are Australian federales. Their guys get $32,000 a year in those tiny Australian dollars. At today's rates, that would work out to $26,602.15 Canadian. The press calls this a "subsidy," not wages or a salary. It's set by a Remuneration Tribunal, not the greedy bastards themselves. It's frozen, and it's staying frozen. And the Green leader, Senator Brown, thinks it should stay that way till the Great Recession lets up. This is one of those stories that gives off just a whiff of what it's like to live in an underdeveloped country. -jlt]

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's office has confirmed that a pay freeze on federal MPs' salaries is to continue for another three months.

The freeze will also apply to judges and senior government executives.

  This morning a spokeswoman for Mr Rudd's office would not rule out extending the freeze again in three months' time.

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