Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, "US Evangelicals join the nuclear-weapon-free world movement," "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, May 6, 2009.

[Now this is news. -jlt]

* The recently launched Two Futures Project is a collection of young Evangelicals who are dedicated to working toward a nuclear-weapon-free world.
* Although Evangelicals traditionally have supported nuclear deterrence the Two Futures Project believes that in a post-Cold War world, this stance must change.
* Accordingly, its members believe that nuclear weapons are morally bankrupt.

Though many might imagine faith and science as incompatible, religion and atomic science, at least, are natural bedfellows. Both lead their truest devotees into a troubled insomnia, staring wide-eyed at dark ceilings as undeniably existential matters banish any thought of sleep. The first nuclear test was itself an oddly syncretistic undertaking--bearing the moniker of the Christian Godhead, Trinity; recounted by J. Robert Oppenheimer with his infamous appropriation of the Hindu scriptures; and, in the explosion, the apotheosis of materialism itself, rending the very building blocks of the universe. And, as the nuclear age took shape, humanity's faith traditions proved instrumental as centers of resistance to what many of us see as categorically immoral devices.

  This generational shift in U.S. Christianity has a providential synchronicity with the sea change in prevailing political attitudes about the role and utility of nuclear weapons.

  We have no illusions that the process will be quick or easy, and thus, are preparing for the work of a generation--to ensure nonpartisan continuity of purpose in U.S. political leadership for a nuclear-weapon-free world.

Read the rest here >
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