Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thelma Mejía, "HONDURAS: Referendum row rocks democracy," IPS, June

[The Honduran Supreme Court is playing a role in this "coup" that has received little attention from our press. -jlt]

TEGUCIGALPA, Jun 26 (IPS) - Honduras is caught up in a crisis following the dismissal of the head of the armed forces for refusing to provide logistics and security for a non-binding referendum called by President Manuel Zelaya for Sunday, the legality of which is disputed by the courts and the opposition.

The government has called the referendum to decide whether or not to hold a formal vote on creating a Constituent Assembly to rewrite the constitution, during the Nov. 29 national elections.

  Vásquez refused Friday to step down, after the Supreme Court revoked Thursday the president’s decision to dismiss him.

Read the rest here =>

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