Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Israeli Concientious Objector Goes to Prison," Palestine Solidarity Project, August 26, 2007.

Sahar Vardi, 18, has long been a friend of PSP and a committed solidarity activist in the Occupied Territories. Palestine Solidarity Project is honored to work with her and support her and the other Israeli youth who refuse to serve in the Israeli Occupation Forces. These young men and women, who have made a huge commitment to Palestinian liberation by not supporting their government’s policies and participating in the solidarity movement inside the Occupied Palestinian Territories, are true solidarity activists.

She is part of a larger group of High School seniors who signed a joint letter informing the Israeli Ministry of Defence of their intention to refuse to serve.

On August 25 Sahar was sentenced to an initial 7 days in prison, which is expected to be renewed when completed. A demonstration was held outside an induction base before she was put into military prison later in the day (see video below). The demonstration was confronted by a small group of counter-demonstrators who became violent with the peaceful demonstration but overall the event was a celebration of Sahar and other young Israelis refusing to serve.

View a video and other articles on the Palestine Solidarity Project blog here =>
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