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Friday, November 07, 2008

"Inside a misunderstood conflict zone," Chris Deliso interviews Scott Taylor,, November 7, 2008.

[Taylor reports details that went largely unreported while Western media outlets groped for ways to package an obscure war they didn't know much about. He discovered that "the Georgian army kept shelling the city hospital" while hundreds of operations were being performed by candlelight during the first 72 hours. -jlt]


President Saakashvili went on the radio on the evening of August 7, assuring citizens that no attack was coming. Nevertheless, only a few hours later, the Georgians unleashed a sneak attack – a barrage of Grom missiles that destroyed the Russian peacekeeping force's building, killing 150 personnel.


The Caucasus is like ten gangsters in an elevator each holding a gun to someone else's head. All it will take is for one to sneeze to set off a violent chain reaction. On August 7th President Saakashvili started to sneeze, but the Russians quickly put a finger under his nose.

The whole interview is worth reading =>

Meanwhile, the BBC reports that

"Thousands of opposition activists have demonstrated in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi - their first major protest since the conflict with Russia.

"Critics have accused President Mikhail Saakashvili of starting a war with Russia that Georgia could not win.

"'We are starting a new wave of civil confrontation, and we will not give up until new elections are called,' opposition leader Kakha Kukava said.

"A year ago opposition rallies were broken up by police."

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