Masthead graphic based on a painting by Gudrun Thriemer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Caribou report released - CPAWS," theGreenPages, April 21, 2009.

Over 10,000 Canadians let the federal government know they want it to protect Canada's woodland caribou and their Boreal wilderness home. Your voice made a difference!

Last week, Environment Canada released a science report that identifies critical habitat for Boreal woodland caribou. The report shows that nearly half of the Boreal forest is critical habitat and needs to be conserved to save this threatened species.

TheGreenPages asks its readers to

* Write to the Minister
* Watch CPAWS' new video
* Support CPAWS
* Read more about the announcement

CPAWS celebrates the release of the Environment Canada report but consistently manages to avoid providing a link to it. You can read it here =>

The paper aims "to inform the development of a recovery strategy for this population of caribou." A public consultation period is currently open. You can submit comments until June 8, 2009.
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