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Saturday, June 20, 2009

"Documents expose the influence of US lobbies on the EU WorkGroup on Open Source, 2009," Wikileaks, May


This ZIP archive contains three files related to the influence of US copyright industry lobbies on EU WorkGroup on Open Source.

Open Source is software that is free to use and modify. Large copyright holders such as the US-based MicroSoft Corporation exert pressure to prevent government adoption of free software.

The three files complete the previous WikiLeaks release about the influence of US lobbies such as MicroSoft on the EU Open Source Software WorkGroup (see: How to Hijack an EU Open Source Strategy Paper and European Commission OSS Strategy Draft, Mar 2009).

The files present draft versions of the group's report, so it can be seen how the lobbies pressure change inside the very reports which are supposed to be a base for the European Commission legislation propositions.

Read the full summary with links to files here =>
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